Green Tara
Green Tara symbolizes the night, and is associated with activity and abundance, and is the manifestation from which all her other forms emanate. Her right foot is slightly extended because she is ready to leap to the aid of beings. Her right hand is opened out on her right knee, in the gesture of generosity. Her left hand holds the stem of a lotus flower, which is blossoming next to her left ear . Prayers to her ask for wealth and protection on a journey, as well as freedom from delusions or negative emotions. G reen Tara, who represents the aspect of a buddha that protects us from fear, also represents the energy winds of the body and breath. Tara's influence is the capacity to act, to move through life, and accomplish our aims. Indeed, her name means “she who ferries across. Om Tara Tuttare Ture Soha which means "I prostrate to the Liberator Mother of all the Vivtorious Ones" is the mantra of Green Tara. Through this picture children can know the ...